DO you ever feel like you are failing? I do alot! Usually I feeling like I’m failing in the ways that matter most. My relationship with God, my husband and my children.
It so hard in a world like this. You can get so caught up in what is happening from day to day you loose focus on what is truly the most important things. Next time you feel this way don’t get yourself all down at being a failure. Our God is a mighty God one that forgives freely. So instead of getting down I like to take action.
Take action
- Pray ask for guidance
- Ask for forgiveness
- Take action
- Where are you failing? Write those down
- Make goals to change those things
- Make habits out of the new things
- Get your family involved
- Be teachable
When I was young I didn’t know how to cook or clean. I could have chosen to never to learn how to cook or clean. Instead I try to have the attitude of always being teachable. I am always looking for money saving recipes. Or to learn about food and nutrition. Be teachable in your journey. As a parent we want to be the teacher. But we can learn so much from our children as well. Young and old alike if we allow ourselves to be teachable and not prideful.
This morning I was awakened. Usually how and when God like to show me things. Praise Him for that! I had a burden on my heart about the teaching and training of my younger children. I think sometimes when we have such a wide range of children. You may kinda think you have already taught all your children a certain something but oops!
Sometimes I feel like a ship on God water. I need to just roll with what He is teaching me. A ship that does roll with the waves is going to sink. Are you rolling or sinking? Let’s see someways we can get rolling again.

I have noticed lately in my children some discontent. This shows up in many ways and sometimes is hard to pin point what the issue is. Discontentment was rearing its ugly head in the form of food mainly. Our rule in our house is you need to eat to get snack. So if they don’t eat that ok no fighting but no snack later. Lately I have noticed alot of picky behavior. I don’t like this, do I have to eat this? Which is not like my children. Thinking about it though it is something they have recently been exposed to.
I realized this is an area I need to be addressing. This also carried over to some children upset by there lack of Christian friendships that are local. We live in a small community and church sizes are quite small usually under 100 people. I know if I am honest this is something that bothers my heart at times as well. Am I needing my own lesson in contentment? Why YES I do!
So I guess I need to be finding a lesson study on some of these areas. On the top of this list contentment!
So the Lord woke me up for a reason. I came downstairs and started finding some lessons. Now I could have rolled back over and chosen not to be teachable or trainable. But instead I yearn to be like Samuel Yes Lord here I am!
Relationships are hard! If someone says relationships are easy either they are ignorant or lying.
I get asked all the time how I make time for my children individually? Like one on one time for each child. The answer is I don’t. I give the child who needs the one on one time in that moment the dedicated time with them. You as a parent need to make a 100% effort with ever child!
I see in the world today so many parents of even one child. Who might give that child all the earthly possessions but don’t give them the time, patience or love God is calling them to give.
Do you have a child who is hanging on you? Or chanting at you? Yeap that’s the child. The child who is made or misbehaving? I read a book years ago raising Godly tomatoes. I personally didn’t like the book and we do not raise our children in this manner. But like in most books I take out the good stuff. In this book she mentioned when I child is misbehaving bring them close. I LOVE that!
Practical application
If say 2 children are bickering if at all possible I find out what going on but sometimes you can’t find out all the answers. With 6 little girls who want the same tea cup there are sure to be disagreements. Anyhow I love to before it starts if possible , you know one child woke up in a less then ideal mood. I try to have that child work with me.
This is not at that point a punishment. It sounds like hey sweetie want to come water the garden with mommy?
Its a hey crying child do you want to help mommy make some muffins? Do you need a hug?
Are you listening to your child or pushing them away? Sometimes we need to get down to there level and just listen. Sometimes we need to sit and play a game and listen to there tales. Or weed the garden together. I struggle just like any mom does in this area. But to build a relationship you need to listen. You listening to your child will later turn into them listening to the Lord.
Sometimes listening isnt actually verbal. Ask anyone with a child who cannot verbally express themselves. Listening can also be the art of reading your child. Bobby, my son who passed away was very good at writing. Yet he struggled with expressing himself.
Do not assume you know what your child is thinking. More times then not it is not. Sometimes you need to just be patient.
The other day I stood in a doorway one child obviously upset. Once I gave the child a hug I could see they wanted to talk. I was in the middle of 4 other things BUT that child was the most important at that moment. With this child I knew it would be long because this child struggles with words. After almost 2 hours they finally expressed themselves. In the back of my mind I just wanted to go and do all the things right? But I was just praying as I was sitting on an uncomfortable edge of a pallet. LOL. After child finally let go they felt so much better. For days I could tell something was going on.
As a parent or grandparent it is our responsibility to listen and instruct in wisdom only found in Christ.
No relationship is 50/50. Jesus says love your neighbor as yourself. There are so many scriptures that in todays terms mean you better give it your all. Even when the person is unlovable. You need to forgive even when you feel like that person is unforgivable.
God so loved me that he gave his only son so that I might live! DO I love others with that kind of love? No but that is how I want God to mold me.
Don’t complain
In a way I don’t want to write this one because. It might be one of my short coming. But it is also one I have done alot of growth in. When I was younger I was not a Christian. When I had my first children I was not a Christian. Everyone complains about there kids. Oh so and so is driving me crazy! Little Johnny is always doing…
Dear sweet sisters please don’t go down this path. Lift your children up! Lift your husband up!
If you child is struggling in an area. It is your responsibility to address it. Just like I was doing some thinking this morning about contentment, as well as other areas. It is our duty to take action!
Outward behavior/ Inward heart
Most of the time like the scripture says our outward action are a reflection of our inner heart. Sisters we need to cleanse our heart of all unrighteousness so that we might be molded in Christlikeness.
I love Psalms 1 being planted like a tree by a river. I am the tree my children and husband are the tree planted by the river to drink in the water. What water are they drinking. The pure water flowing from God word or the brackish water mixed with the world.
Let’s take each day to pour God truth and lives into our families.
Please know I have no arrived at some holy place. Just on this journey with you all to live like Christ! I hope this post blesses you all!
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